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Cyprus Choreography Platform 2020 - Call for submissions

Α. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The Cyprus Choreography Platform is an annual dance choreography event introduced and established by the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, aiming at the creation of new contemporary choreographic works and their presentation to the public. Specifically, the Cyprus Choreography Platform aims to provide, within an especially designed framework, opportunities to choreographers working in Cyprus, in order to experiment with new forms of expression and create new choreographic works. Β. ORGANISATION The Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth have entrusted the organisation of the Cyprus Choreography Platform 2020 to the Rialto Theatre. The selected works will be presented at the Rialto Theatre in Limassol from the 6th - 8th of November 2020. C. PARALLEL EVENTS At the same time with the Cyprus Choreography Platform 2020, a series of parallel events will be organised and presented by Dance House Lemesos. D. WHO CAN APPLY Applications may be submitted by choreographers who are Cypriot nationals or permanent residents in the Republic of Cyprus, permanently living and working in Cyprus for the past 5 years. Applicants must have presented at least 1 completed work in the past. Choreographies resulting from collaborations between various choreographers, where the work of each choreographer is not clearly distinguishable, shall not be accepted. Moreover, student projects presented within the framework of the applicant’s studies shall not be accepted either. Ε. PARTICIPATION CATEGORIES Participations in the Cyprus Choreography Platform 2020 are divided in two categories as follows: a) “Choreographers +5”: Choreographers who have already presented in public at least 5 completed works; b) “Emerging Choreographers”: Choreographers who have presented no more than 5 completed works. F. SELECTION COMMITTEE AND EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS 1. The submitted applications (proposals) of every Cyprus Choreography Platform edition shall be evaluated by a three-member Selection Committee. 2. The Committee consists of one representative from the Rialto Theatre and two well-reputed professionals from the field of Performing Arts in Cyprus and/or abroad, appointed by the Cultural Services. 3. The Selection Committee shall be responsible for examining the applications based on the following evaluation criteria: a. The clarity of statement, approach and presentation of the proposals. b. The artistic and creative characteristics of the proposals. c. The originality, creativity and encouragement of new forms of artistic expression. 4. The suggestions of the Committee (accompanied by the relevant rationales) regarding the selected works shall be set out in special minutes and communicated to the Director of Cultural Services in order to be validated. G. APPLICATION DETAILS The relevant Application Form must be filled in and accompanied by the following: a) Biography of choreographer*. b) Biographies of dancers and crew members*. c) Detailed description/concept statement of choreography*. d) Description of implementation process and stage development of choreography*. e) YouTube or Vimeo links to previous works. The links must present the entire work, not only extracts or samples of the work. Any applications that do not provide the relevant links shall not be examined. *Attachments a-d may not exceed one typed page each. Η. PERIOD FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS 1. Applications may be submitted online via the official website of the Cyprus Choreography Platform at 2. The period for submission of applications is from the 1st - 31st of May 2020. The decisions of the Selection Committee shall be announced before the 22nd of June 2020. I. TERMS AND CONDITIONS The submission of an application implies the full acceptance of all the terms and conditions set out below: 1. The proposed works (solo, duet or performances involving more performers) must be presented for the first time in Cyprus or abroad, whether live or in any audiovisual form (video, film, DVD etc.). 2. Every dance group and choreographer has the right to participate in the Cyprus Choreography Platform 2020 by presenting one choreographic work only. 3. The majority of the artistic crew members must be Cypriot nationals or permanent residents of Cyprus for the past 5 years. 4. The duration of the suggested work in the “Choreographers 5+” category must not exceed 30 minutes, whereas in the “Emerging Choreographers” category it must not exceed 15 minutes. In no case shall the works exceed the aforementioned durations. 5. The Cyprus Choreography Platform 2020 only hosts contemporary dance projects. 6. The video recording of the performances for purposes other than archival use, shall only be permitted upon the written consent of the organisers and the choreographer. Video recording up to three (3) minutes shall be permitted for advertising purposes only. 7. Participations in the Cyprus Choreography Platform 2020 shall be funded according to the budget of the event, as approved by the Cultural Services of the MoECSY. 8. In the event of their selection, applicants must be available to present their work on any of the three dates on which the Cyprus Choreography Platform 2020 will be held. 9. For choreographers selected to participate in the “Emerging Choreographers” category, a mentor shall be appointed, at the Organisers’ responsibility, who shall be observing the development of their work during the rehearsals. It is compulsory for the said choreographers to be able to meet their mentor on the dates that will be determined. Should they fail to meet this term, the Organisers reserve the right to exclude them from participating in the Cyprus Choreography Platform 2020. 10. The linoleum flooring used for the purposes of the Cyprus Choreography Platform 2020 shall be black for all works. J. ELIGIBLE COSTS, MAXIMUM FUNDING AMOUNT, FUNDING PAYMENT 1. Eligible Costs The funding granted to the participants of the Cyprus Choreography Platform 2020 shall cover the following eligible costs, on condition that they provide at the end, invoices/receipts related to all expenses featuring in the budget that accompanies their application: Α. REMUNERATION FEES: Choreographer/Director/Artist Dancer(s) - Performer(s) Set designer/Visual artist Video artist Costume designer Dramaturge Musician Photographer Other crew members (please specify) Travel/accommodation expenses for international guests* Β. PRODUCTION COSTS: Set/props (building or renting) Costumes Sound/Recordings Multimedia (Video/projector/video editing, screen etc.) Rehearsal space rental Miscellaneous/Unforeseen expenses up to €500. *In case of international guests, expenses for up to three (3) plane tickets may be eligible, as well as accommodation fees for up to ten (10) days. These expenses must be proved by providing plane tickets and accommodation receipts. 2. Limitations Travel and accommodation expenses within Cyprus shall neither be covered for Cypriot nationals nor for permanent residents of Cyprus. 3. Maximum Funding Amount 3.1. For participants in the “Choreographers 5+” category: For works featuring more than three (3) dancers, the maximum total funding amount based on the eligible costs shall be €8000. For works featuring two (2) dancers, the maximum total funding amount based on the eligible costs shall be €6000. For solo works, the maximum total funding amount based on the eligible costs shall be €3000. It is specified that in case the choreographer is also the dancer/performer, the maximum total funding shall be €3000. 3.2. For participants in the “Emerging Choreographers” category, the maximum total funding amount based on the eligible costs shall be €3000 regardless of the number of dancers. 4. Funding Payment 4.1. The funding shall be paid in two instalments, as follows: a) The first instalment shall correspond to 70% of the total funding amount and shall be paid after the applicant’s selection to participate in the Cyprus Choreography Platform 2020. b) The second instalment shall be paid after the Cyprus Choreography Platform 2020 takes place, and once all relevant invoices and receipts are provided by the choreographer. It is noted that the choreographer must present the original receipts/invoices; in case the applicants do not wish to submit the original receipts/invoices, they must provide certified copies to the Cultural Services. The said copies may be certified at the offices of the Cultural Services. 4.2. The Organisers reserve the right to reduce the funding amount should the submitted invoices/receipts of the expenses incurred present lower costs compared to those originally budgeted. 4.3. The non-participation in the Cyprus Choreography Platform 2020 resulting from the fault of the choreographer or of any other crew member, or the non-compliance (except in cases of injury) of the choreographers with the terms and conditions governing their participation, entails the immediate withdrawal of the funding approval and the return of the first instalment. In cases of injury, these shall be examined on a case-by-case basis by the Organisers. K. EMERGING CHOREOGRAPHER’S PRIZE 1. The Selection Committee of the Cyprus Choreography Platform 2020 shall decide upon the “Emerging Choreographer’s Prize”, awarded to a work standing out in the “Emerging Choreographers” category. The winner shall receive a cash prize (€5000), in order to further develop (in collaboration with the choreographer’s mentor) the specific work, which will be presented in the next edition of the Cyprus Choreography Platform. The winning choreographer may not receive any further funding for presenting his/her work in the next edition of the Cyprus Choreography Platform. 2. It is understood that the “Emerging Choreographer’s Prize” shall only be awarded if the Selection Committee decides that such a notable work exists. L. PARTICIPATION IN FESTIVALS ABROAD In case a work presented within the framework of the Cyprus Choreography Platform 2020 is selected to participate or to be presented in a dance festival abroad, the Cultural Services shall examine the possibility of covering the travel expenses (plane tickets) for the said participation.



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